Face-Neck Lift

Aging is a normal part of life. UV light, gravity, loss of fat volume, and loss of skin elasticity leads to excess skin on the face, creating a heavy tired look, jowls along the jaw bone, and folds in the neck. 


Surgery removes and lifts excess and saggy skin and fat to rejuvenate the face and neck. It is performed under general anaesthesia or twilight anaesthesia, as a day procedure. Surgical incisions are placed around the ear and the incision lines are hidden in natural skin folds or covered by hair.

What to expect

Bandages are removed the morning after surgery, and you can shower and wash your hair. Ice packs for 48 hours after surgery reduce swelling in the face and neck. Bruising is normal, particularly in the lower face and neck and settles over 10 – 14 days. You will experience an initial tight sensation around the face which is normal and resolves. You may be advised to wear a compression garment after surgery and may return to light activity after the first week and return to work after 2 weeks. Stitches are removed at 10 – 14 days depending on healing.